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Building | Growing | Living

A project in achievable sustainability!

As a journey in sustainable, eco-focused building, the goal of The Hawea Grove project is to create a tasteful, sustainable living and visitor sanctuary, among a grove of established fruit and nut trees.

The Hawea Grove is  finalist in the “Communicating for Impact” category for the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards.

Here at we will be documenting this journey through a webisode series, with accompanying editorial, chronicling the twists and turns of the building and growing process, from a consumer’s perspective.

Latest Articles

From planning to planting, read the latest happenings from The Hawea Grove.

Episode 19: Landscaping and Planting

Episode 19: Landscaping and Planting

In this episode of the eco building series, Keith takes us through a range of landscape-related topics including the creation of BIOCHAR. Thanks to Wanaka Siteworks, Erkhart Construction, Abodo Wood, Black Moa Biochar, Nativa Landscaping and Allflow for their support...

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Episode 18: Everything Electric

Episode 18: Everything Electric

This episode explores our electric systems in the house, including the smart heating/cooling/ventilation system from Stiebel Eltron (installed by Heated), and kitchen appliances from Asko (installed by Lahood Electrical).The Series The objective is to showcase the...

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Episode 17: Floor Decisions

Episode 17: Floor Decisions

This episode of your favourite eco building series focuses on the three different floorings we chose to use here at the Grove... in particular the wonderful cork flooring from Torlys!The Series The objective is to showcase the twists and turns of creating and managing...

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Project Partners

A huge shoutout to our project partners. Big or small we couldn’t be doing this without you!

Keen to get involved? Drop us an email on

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